Bibliotheek XAVERIANEN Brugge (BE 2021)

Bibliotheek XAVERIANEN Brugge (BE 2021)

Xaverianen Bibliotheek Brugge After helping out the client on another library in Brugge (Biekorf), SDC_lab was selected agaiin to supply new furniture for this renewed library. The client chose for a selection from different collections. RPBW elements combined with...
Cheyns Kortrijk

Cheyns Kortrijk

CEBEO – CHEYNS KORTRIJK professional customer centre Cheyns is a now part of CEBEO group. Cebeo specializes in the distribution of electrical equipment, technical services and solutions for the residential, tertiary and industrial sectors. Our history is...
Parka Bar Moscow

Parka Bar Moscow

Parka Bar Moscow designed by ArchPoint Moscow Parka Bar Moscow designed by ArchPoint Moscow have chosen the Pilot stool designed by Rampelotto & Pernkopf. Project Details Client:  Date: 2019 DISCOVER MORE SOLUTIONS Parka Bar Moscow TWIX Anna Restaurant –...
Waze Headoffice Tel Aviv (2015)

Waze Headoffice Tel Aviv (2015)

Waze – office Tel Aviv (ISR-2015) Headoffice Waze/google Tel Aviv Waze Head Office Tel Aviv We worked with the architects from Jump Studios on earlier projects for creative office areas. In this cooperation, we already delivered some customized poufs with the...

Quinze & Milan